Which of the boys from Holbook Academy would you want to date?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Greetings and Salutations

Hello, Internet.

Is that enough? Could that be considered my first blog post and we be done with it? No? Right.

So, I have been informed by numerous people, all of whom have a much better grasp of the idea of how to use the internet to my advantage then I do - that I need to start putting myself out there. More. Apparently a Facebook page I am sporadic at best in updating, and my random tweets about breakfast cereal are not enough. I don't see why not, breakfast cereal is fascinating. We could discuss it at length.

The bottom line is that I am not very good at this sort of thing. I write fiction, and I write fiction for the primary reason that writing about my life is terribly boring. And since my fantasy life is more interesting I feel like most of my efforts should go that direction. OH and I am terrible at maintaining anything that might come close to resembling adult responsibility. That's probably the biggest reason I have been reluctant to blog thus far.

Except that isn't true. I have been blogging sporadically for the last couple of years over at TO DOG IT MAY CONCERN. Yep that's me. My nick name in local parts is Pine. But I'm the same guy - mouthy, weird, sometimes inappropriate and obsessed with my dogs. You can go through and read all of those entries if you so desire, but I can sum it up pretty much in a few words: I will probably write more about everyone and everything other then myself through out the duration of my attention span to handling this blog.

That means; I apologize in advance when I do something stupid. It will happen. I swear. I tend to get on my high horse and sometimes it's next to impossible to get me off it again. I alternate between delusions of grandeur and crippling insecurity. I am, in short, very much a writer.

And if you'll bare with me on this little adventure, it might be kind of cool in the end.

But I am not making any promises (mostly so I can't be held to this promise of cool at a later date when you all realize I am decidedly UNcool ...See? Sometimes I can plan ahead. Don't get used to it though.)

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