Which of the boys from Holbook Academy would you want to date?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Photography Skills

Sometimes, I take pictures. I used to be quite the shutter bug. Now I am a little less prone to random acts of photo-ops. Mostly because my DSLR is about a decade old (seriously it's max setting is 4megapixels). But for Consumer-Mas this year my mum was kind enough to pick me up a decent Lumix from Panasonic. It's not a DSLR, but as I have often told people in the past: the camera doesn't make the photographer. Its small, light weight and easily fits into the pockets of my cargo pants. So today while hiking with the dogs in the Foothills (a favorite thing of mine to do), I took some photos. Here are some of the results.

"The Owl"
(I obsessed over this owl, I probably took a dozen or more photos of it)

"Witch Tree"

"Living in the Wild Wild West"

"I'm Living in my Very Own Spaghetti Western""

"Right in the Tick-of-it"

"Four Friends on a Hill Top."

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